You, as a citizen, also have the right to propose new legislation or amend existing legislation, provided that your initiative meets several conditions.

Legislative initiative is a tool that allows the public to propose new laws or amend existing laws. If you wish to put forward draft legislation for the parliament’s consideration, you can do so, provided that enough people support your proposal. Citizens may launch initiatives not only to propose new laws, but also to amend or withdraw existing laws.

In Estonia, legislative initiatives can be submitted in the form of collective proposal to the Riigikogu (Parliament). At least 1000 signatures in support have to be collected for submission of a collective proposal and up to three pages of reasons should be appended to the proposal stating why the current situation is unsatisfactory and how the proposal would improve the situation. A signature in support may be given by a permanent resident of Estonia who is at least 16 years of age. The Board of the Riigikogu decides the opening of proceedings on a collective proposal within 30 calendar days following submission of the proposal.

When conducting proceedings on the proposal, the Riigikogu may decide to:

  • initiate a bill or draft resolution or the deliberation of a matter of significant national importance
  • hold a public sitting
  • transmit the proposal to the competent institution for taking a position regarding the proposal and for resolving it
  • transmit the proposal to the Government of the Republic for developing a position regarding the proposal and for replying to it
  • reject the proposal
  • resolve the problem raised in the proposal by other means

At local level, residents also have the right to initiate the passage, amendment or repeal of legislation concerning local issues. In this case, the collective proposal needs to collect the signatures of at least 1% of the local government’s registered population. Such initiatives must be debated not later than within three months. A representative of the initiators has the right to participate in the debate. In addition, everyone has the right to apply for the amendment or repeal of legislation passed by the rural municipality or city government if such legislation unlawfully restricts the rights of the applicant.

How to submit collective proposals?

Collective proposal can be submitted on paper or in electronic form. The Estonian Cooperation Assembly has designed an online platform specifically for this purpose. The Citizen Initiative Portal is a convenient way to write proposals, hold discussions, compose and send digitally signed collective proposals to the Riigikogu and the local government.


Last updated 08/04/2023