How to request rectification and erasure of your data

You have the right to request rectification of your personal data, which is being processed, if they are inaccurate. You may also request to complete your incomplete personal data, and in such situation, provide necessary additional information.

Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

You have the right to request erasure of your personal data, which is being processed, if there is at least one of the grounds specified in the General Data Protection Regulation. The most significant grounds are the following:

  • your personal data are no longer necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are (were) processed
  • your data are (were) processed unlawfully

example You may request erasure of your images from the Internet website and request search engines such as Google Inc. to remove the links to your images, if someone has published them without your permission or without another lawful ground.

note This right is also called the ‘right to be forgotten’.

However, the data user (controller) may deny your request, if processing of your personal data is necessary for certain reasons specified in the General Data Protection Regulation.

example If you are involved in a criminal investigation procedure, your personal data will not be erased from a criminal case file, considering that these data are necessary for further investigation.


Last updated 09/04/2024