Complaints about mistreatment

How do you complain about mistreatment in the investigation prison and ask for compensation?

Right to complain

You have the right to complain if you believe that you have been mistreated by prison staff or other inmates during the time of keeping in custody. You can read more about mistreatment and the consequences of certain behaviour.

Where to submit the complaint?

You can complain about mistreatment by prison guards or other inmates to the prison service or Ministry of Justice. The Estonian Ministry of Justice shall review the challenges filed against administrative acts issued or measures taken by a director of a prison. The prison service shall review challenges filed against administrative acts issued or measures taken by other persons working at the prison. The prison service or Ministry of Justice may ask you for additional explanations or documentation, where necessary. 

If needed, it will also forward your complaint to another responsible institution or person for further examination of your complaint.  Where the mistreatment may have resulted in a criminal offence, the case will be further examined according to the Code of Criminal Procedure by a special investigator, who is usually part of the prison staff, if the offence was committed by other inmates.

Decision & Appeal

You have the right to receive a written response to your application within one month. If you are not satisfied with the decision of the prison service or Ministry of Justice, you can appeal their decision to an administrative court. In its decision, the prison service or Ministry of Justice has to indicate where and when you can appeal.


If you believe that your rights were violated due to mistreatment in the investigation prison, you can also request compensation.

Read more how to request compensation:

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Last updated 23/07/2019