General requirements

Employed women may use maternity leave, which is leave of absence shortly before and after the time of a child’s birth. Maternity leave must be paid to cover the needs of the child and the family while the woman is on maternity leave. During this time the woman has the right to keep her employment and the employment-related social allowances to which she was entitled before taking maternity leave. The amount of social benefits should be adequate so as to allow a woman to maintain herself and her child with a suitable standard of living and healthcare.

Latvian law

In accordance with Latvian law, paid maternity leave for women can last up to 140 days (70 days before and after the birth of a child). In exceptional circumstances, the father or other person taking care of the child can also claim the maternity leave. You can learn more about maternity leave in the webpage of the State Social Insurance Agency. 


Last updated 08/11/2023