A child’s name shapes their identity, and, therefore, the child has an interest in having a name that will be permanent and will not be changed without good reason. However, it is possible to change a child’s name under certain circumstances.

Right to change a child’s name

A child’s forename and family name can be changed only in the situations set out in law. The right to change a child’s name, that is, to choose a new name, is subject to the same general restrictions as the initial choice of the name

Upon assigning of a personal name to a child who is ten years of age or older, their consent is required. The wishes of a child younger than ten years of age shall also be considered if the development level of the child so permits. 

A trans child can change their first name on the basis of a written application of their parent or guardian. They can change also the gendered foreign-language surname to reflect their gender identity.

example A child’s forename can be changed if it does not correspond to their gender identity.

example A child’s family name can be changed due to the marriage or divorce of the parents.

Adopted child’s name

The first and the family name of an adopted child can be changed by the court if the adoptive parent so wishes.


Last updated 24/07/2020