Advertising requirements

Non-prescription medicines are advertised extensively in the media. It is important to ensure that such advertisements are responsible, ethical and do not mislead the buyer.

Prohibited advertising practices

In Estonia, only non-prescription medicines, as well as vaccines are allowed to be advertised. The law prohibits advertisements which:

  • misleads individual into thinking the medicine is only method of healing
  • misleads individual into thinking it is food, cosmetics or other generic consumer product
  • misleads the individual into thinking it is more effective because it is natural
  • supplies samples to individuals not qualified to prescribe medicine

There is a prohibition on advertising medicinal products that are not registered in Estonia or by the European Medicines Agency.

The promotional distribution of medicine is prohibited.

note The marketing of medicines is also regulated on the EU level via legislation and the European medicines regulatory network.

Rules of advertising

Regulations prescribe different rules of advertising for the general public and specialists, but the key rules are that:

  • information in the advertising must be truthful
  • it must encourage rational use of the medicine
  • it must not be misleading
  • it must include a warning “Unreasonable use of medicinal products is harmful for your health”

The full list of medicinal products advertising requirements can be found under the Article 84 of the Medicinal Products Act


Last updated 31/07/2023