Free mental health support

In Estonia, people who are covered by health insurance can receive state-funded psychological and psychotherapeutic support, as determined by the law.

State-paid psychological help

State-paid psychological help (up to 10 visits) is available for patients with depression, stress-related disorders, neurotic spectrum disorders and eating disorders. This help is also available for children.

If the symptoms are relatively mild, a general practitioner issues a referral for a consultation with a clinical and health psychologist or a psychotherapist. If the symptoms are more serious, a general practitioner issues a referral for a consultation with a psychiatrist.

Another opportunity to receive psychological help is the therapy fund. The therapy fund is an additional opportunity to get the necessary treatment faster and in coordination with general practitioners. The measure allows general practitioners to refer their patients directly to non-clinical specialists such as psychologists, speech therapists, and physiotherapists if there is a medical indication. The service is financed through the family doctor’s budget. An opportunity to receive the aforementioned services upon referral to a specialist doctor remains.

Psychological help for victims of crime and offenders

Adult persons who are victims of violence (physical, sexual, economic or emotional) are entitled to psychosocial assistance. If a person has become a victim of crime or violence, they and their family members have the opportunity, if necessary, to receive mental health care supporting recovery from trauma, the costs of which are paid by the Social Insurance Board.

If the victim support worker has assigned mental health care to support recovery from trauma, one can contact a psychologist or psychotherapist of own choice. The Social Insurance Board pays the costs of the service directly to the service provider. The costs of psychological counseling and psychotherapy can be paid up to the minimum amount of one monthly salary per person (in 2023, it will be €725).

Support for abandoning violence

There are a number of specialists ready to support a person who would like to abandon violent behavior.  A special counselor will hear the person out, and together they can find the right path to a life free from violence. The counselors can be reached on 660 6077 from 10–16 on working days. If calling is not suitable, email is also available.

Social rehabilitation for disabled people and people with partial or no work ability

Disabled people and people with partial or no work ability have the right to social rehabilitation. It may include different services based on needs assessment  for example consultations with psychologists/psychotherapists and activities that help improve the emotional state of the patient.

People of working age and old-age pensioners can receive social rehabilitation services for a total of up to EUR 1275 per calendar year. If the service is provided as a programme, the limit is up to EUR 1800 per calendar year. Working-age person with a mental disorder is entitled to the annual limit of up to EUR 4300 per calendar year.

24-hour crisis hotline for emotional and psychological support

116 123 is a single crisis hotline in all EU countries. It works 24/7 and is available free of charge to any adult who needs emotional and psychological support.

116 006 is a victim support crisis helpline

116 111 is a child helpline


Last updated 31/07/2023