How to complain about the decisions of the police?

In certain situations you might be taken to a mental health care institution by the police. If you believe that the police did not have legal grounds to take you to a mental health care institution or otherwise violated your rights in the process, you have the right to make a complaint. 

State police


You can complain about the behaviour of a police officer to his/her direct supervisor.

The supervisor is responsible for considering your application and must issue a decision within one month on whether your rights were violated. The decision must indicate where and when you can appeal the decision if necessary.  You can submit your complaint to the police in free format in which you should describe the situation, add your contact details and sign the complaint.

Appeal against a procedural act or order

In addition, you have the right to file an appeal with the prosecutor's office against a procedural act or order of the investigative body (in your case Police)  if you find that violation of the procedural requirements in the performance of the procedural act or preparation of the order has resulted in the violation of your rights.


Last updated 08/11/2023