
The decision on whether to cancel or to continue your involuntary placement must be made by the court closest to the mental health care institution where you are placed. 


The decision about whether the placement in a mental health care institution is still necessary has to be made speedily. It means that the court has to consider the presented application carefully and without unjustified delay. 


In order to extend or discontinue the involuntary treatment, the rural municipality or city government must file an application to the court which shall include an opinion of the psychiatrist specifying whether the extension or discontinuation of involuntary treatment is justified. The court may also extend the involuntary treatment based on an application of your guardian. The court may also discontinue the involuntary treatment based on your application, an application of your guardian or on its own initiative.


If you do not understand Estonian, the court has to provide you with a translation. 

Reasoned decision

The court has to examine all the facts that would speak for and against your involuntary placement. In doing this, special diligence should be exercised. The reasons cannot be superficial and generic. The longer you have been placed involuntarily in a mental health care institution, the more thorough and well founded the reasons to prolong your stay should be.

What human rights violation may there be?

If your involuntary placement review process did not comply with the given procedural requirements, it may result in a violation of the right to the liberty and security of a person. 


Last updated 08/11/2023