Right to health and other human rights

The right to health is a fundamental human right, which is intrinsically linked to and also significant for the enjoyment of other human rights.

Health is a broad concept: it includes physical, mental (psychological), social, emotional and spiritual aspects which are protected through a person’s right to health. Proper protection of the right to health allows individuals to fully enjoy other human rights. The opposite is also true: a violation of a person’s right to health may also lead to a violation of other human rights.

example Improper protection of a person’s health in extreme cases may lead to a person’s death. Thus, the right to health is linked to the right to life.

example Health care institutions gather personal data when providing medical help – meaning there is also a link to a person’s right to data protection (which is a part of the right to private life).

example A person is free to choose medical treatment or to even refuse treatment – this links to a person’s physical integrity and bodily autonomy (which is a part of the right to private life), as well as the right to liberty and security.

example The right to health must be enjoyed by everyone without distinction. This is ensured by the principle of equality and non-discrimination.

Thus, the right to health does not stand alone – it is part of a broader system of protection of human rights.

About this section

This section of the Guide will explain how a person’s right to health is linked to other human rights.


Last updated 31/07/2023