You have a list of obligations during the asylum procedure.

According to the Asylum Procedures Directive and the Act on Granting International Protection to Aliens, you have an obligation to cooperate with the competent authorities for the processing of your asylum application. You are required:

  • to provide the Police and Border Guard Board with oral and written information and explanations
  • to submit all documents in your possession and other evidence which are relevant to the proceedings
  • to enable the examination of your personal effects and your person, and the admission for deposit of documents and personal effects
  • to cooperate in obtaining documents in evidence of the circumstances presented in your application for international protection
  • to enable the examination of your state of health for public health considerations
  • to enable photographing, fingerprinting and the taking of DNA probes
  • to cooperate in the collection of information needed for identification and verification of your person
  • to comply with the surveillance measures provided by law
  • to appear at the Police and Border Guard Board for performance of procedural acts
  • to notify the Police and Border Guard Board of changes in marital status and data on the place of residence and the birth of a child

During the asylum procedure, you are not allowed to leave the country where you are applying for international protection. You are required to deposit your passport with the Police and Border Guard Board.


Last updated 15/04/2023