Estonian Human Rights Centre is an independent non-governmental human rights advocacy organisation. EHRC was founded in December 2009. EHRC has quickly developed to be the most well-known human rights NGO in Estonia. The mission of EHRC is to work together for Estonia that respects the human rights of each person.

How can it help you

Legal aid to asylum seekers

If you are applying for asylum and think that your rights have been violated in Estonia, you can contact the EHRC. The centre can give advice, or assist with finding contacts to seek protection of your rights.

The services include:

  • representation at authorities (incl. courts) and in asylum proceedings or
  • assistance in applying for state legal aid

Strategic litigation of cases involving discrimination

EHRC offers legal aid to people, whose cases are of strategic importance.

Strategic litigation stands for the resolution of socially significant cases through judicial or extrajudicial proceedings. This can be done in civil, criminal as well as administrative cases. The aim of strategic litigation is always to influence the quality of law and of its implementation through individual and carefully selected cases. It is one of the advocacy methods.

Violation of human rights in Estonia

Any information helps the EHRC plan it's activities better and provides information about bottlenecks that it can cover, among other things, in the Annual Human Rights Report and raise when contacting with State authorities and the media.

Inform the EHRC about it by e-mail, a letter, or get in touch through social media. Provide as much detail as possible about what the potential violation consisted of.

The EHRC protects the information disclosed as well as the identity of the person who communicated the information and will not disclose that to any third parties or to the State without the consent of the person.

The EHRC replies to a letter, as a general rule, when they wish to specify the details or consider the initiation of a case of strategic litigation. Unfortunately, the Center cannot offer any legal counselling on issues concerning human rights.


  • human rights monitoring
  • research and policy analysis
  • training of various target groups
  • expert opinions both locally (to government, parliament, media, educational institutions, courts and others), as well as internationally
  • advocacy for change, ranging from raising public awareness to specific policy or legislative change
  • coordinating the Estonian Diversity Charter and Diversity Label

More information & Contacts
+372 644 5148

Estonian Human Rights Centre
Parda 4 (third floor)
Tallinn 10151

Last updated 17/08/2017