You have the right to buy toiletries that are necessary for the maintenance of your personal hygiene in prison. You can buy such toilet articles as are necessary for health and cleanliness.

According to Estonian law, prisoners have the right to hold fallowing hygiene articles in their chamber: 

  • two bottles of shampoo
  • two bottles of balm
  • two bottles of shower gel 
  • two soaps
  • twelve rolls of toilet paper
  • two tubes of toothpaste
  • two creams
  • two deodorants (without alcohol)
  • two shaving cream bottles 
  • one bottle of dishwasher 
  • one pack of washing powder
  • female detainees can hold one hair brush or comb
  • one washing dish or amber 
  • nail file (from cardboard) 
  • foot file (without metal) 
  • one hygienic lipstick
  • two packs of pads
  • one pack of napkins 

If last three months your account balance is lower than 9,59 euros you are eligible for free toiletries pack. If you have been in prison less than three months, then the average amount of money per month will be basis of the calculation. 

Toiletries pack includes fallowing articles:

  • a soap
  • a household soap
  • toothpaste 
  • toothbrush 
  • razor 
  • pads 

The toiletries pack will be issued once per quarter (1st to 15th January, 1st-15th April, 1st-15th July, 1st-15th October).

What human rights violations may there be?

Prohibition against inhumane or degrading treatment

If you are unable to adequately maintain your hygiene due to a lack of toiletries, this may lead to a violation of the prohibition against inhumane or degrading treatment. However, the effect that such a situation leaves on your physical and mental condition would have to reach a certain minimum level of severity. Minor deviations will probably not lead to a violation. 

example If your toothbrush is not changed for a month, it probably won’t lead to a violation of your rights. However, if you are forced to use the toilet without paper or other facilities for maintaining your hygiene, this will most probably violate your rights.  

Read more about how to evaluate whether your rights have been violated.

How to complain

If you believe that your rights have been violated, you should complain to the prison administration. Read more about how to complain.


Last updated 11/11/2018