Reproductive rights are a crucial part of the right to health and, simultaneously, of the right to family life. Some couples have challenges in conceiving a child, yet want to have their own child genetically. In this case, medically assisted (artificial) reproduction may be used.

In Estonia The Health Insurance Fund fully covers in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer services and medicines for insured individuals. Women up to 40 years old can receive IVF medications at a 100% discount from pharmacies. The prescription fee and any additional costs beyond the maximum discounted price are the patient's responsibility. Fertility-preserving procedures, such as oocyte and sperm freezing, are also financed by the Health Insurance Fund. The decision to proceed with these services is made by an expert committee. The marginal price of the healthcare service includes the cost of procuring eggs and sperm and seven years of storage.

Read more about artificial reproduction in this Guide.


Last updated 31/07/2023