The medical assistance minimum is financed fully from the State budget.

In Latvia, the medical assistance minimum includes the following health care services:

  • Emergency medical assistance
  • Primary health care services provided by a general practitioner
  • House visits by a general practitioner to:

           - children aged up to 18 years
           - persons with a Group I disability
           - persons over 80 years old
           - incurable persons 
           - persons sick with influenza during a seasonal outbreak, and others

  • Visits to specialised medical practitioners (with a GP’s referral)
  • Preventive examinations:

           - annual: e.g., blood pressure, skin examination, examination of the                 stomach by touch

           - at a specified age: e.g., cholesterol level check at the age of 40

  • Laboratory tests and diagnostic examinations (with a GP’s referral)
  • State-organised cancer prevention tests
  • Vaccination:

           - vaccination as per vaccination calendar 

           - vaccination against influenza 

           - COVID-19 vaccination

  • Compensated medicinal products and devices
  • Birth assistance, including:

           - prenatal care for a pregnant woman 

           - postnatal care for a woman and the newborn

The State-paid medical assistance minimum is provided to:

  • citizens of Latvia
  • non-citizens of Latvia
  • persons with a permanent residence permit in Latvia
  • stateless persons (who have received such status in Latvia)
  • refugees and asylum seekers
  • detained persons
  • persons entitled to state mandatory health insurance
Last updated 08/11/2023